bsp.c [code] | Implements the BSPlib primitives |
bsp_abort.c [code] | Implements the internal abort function: bsp_intern_abort() |
bsp_abort.h [code] | Defines the prototype of an `abort' function for internal usage: bsp_intern_abort() |
bsp_alloc.h [code] | Wrapper functions for malloc(), calloc() and free() |
bsp_delivtable.c [code] | Implements the methods on a DeliveryTable object |
bsp_delivtable.h [code] | Defines the prototypes of the methods on a DeliveryTable object |
bsp_exptable.c [code] | Implements the communication method on an ExpandableTable |
bsp_exptable.h [code] | Defines struct's, prototypes and inlined functions of the ExpandableTable, FixedElSizeTable and VarElSizeTable 'classes' and some struct's of DeliveryTable, RequestTable, MemoryRegister and MessageQueue |
bsp_memreg.c [code] | Implements methods on MemoryRegister |
bsp_memreg.h [code] | Defines prototypes of methods on MemoryRegister |
bsp_mesgqueue.h [code] | Defines methods on MessageQueue |
bsp_private.h [code] | Global variable which should not be available to the outside world |
bsp_reqtable.c [code] | Implement the 'execute' method on a RequestTable |
bsp_reqtable.h [code] | Defines prototypes and implementations of methods on RequestTable |