DelivInfo Struct Reference

Additional data for a DeliveryTable. More...

#include <bsp_exptable.h>

Data Fields

VarSizeElement **restrict latest_pushed_element
 array of pointers which point to the last element pushed.

Detailed Description

Additional data for a DeliveryTable.

Definition at line 181 of file bsp_exptable.h.

Field Documentation

VarSizeElement** restrict DelivInfo::latest_pushed_element

array of pointers which point to the last element pushed.

Is necessary for combining bsp_put() and bsp_send()

Definition at line 185 of file bsp_exptable.h.

Referenced by deliveryTable_expand(), and deliveryTable_initialize().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Apr 8 12:59:19 2006 for BSPonMPI by  doxygen 1.4.6